Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Flotsam & Jetsam

Flotsam & Jetsam HD from Flotsam and Jetsam on Vimeo.

Interesting documentary about the beachcombers of Texel, one of the largest Frisian islands north of Holland.

found at NOTCOT.org

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Alphabetised Bible

Not entirely sure what this piece is about by Tauba Auerbach but I'm assuming it's along the lines of everything that's in the bible isn't true so it doesn't matter whether you can read it or not. Or maybe that if you have complete and utter faith in Christianity, it doesn't matter what order the letters are in, they are still the words of God. I like it though, whatever it's about.

Found at: http://www.todayandtomorrow.net/

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Matthew Cusick - Images that don't exist

These are some quite amazing uses of maps. I know these 'road' ones above aren't real places but if Ordnance Survey did an equivalent of Google Street View, it would be incredible if it looked something like these.

Found at: http://butdoesitfloat.com/

Friday, 29 April 2011

Badminton 2011

Went to Badminton for the first time this year and thought it was great, don't have any preconceptions about the type of people you might expect to be milling around, if you want to see an animal doing what it is fully capable of, this is the place to see it. The power of these horses is immense, a really great day out (the sun helped).

Friday, 18 March 2011

Von Thord - Wedding Night

Get your Friday funk on

Kacper Hamilton Drinking set

Designed for Ballantine's I think this is one of the best looking drinking accessories/sets/essentials I have ever seen, especially in relation to whiskey.

Full article on Core 77

Monday, 14 March 2011


I think these images put the devastation in Japan into context more than most

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Friday, 4 February 2011


robo-rainbow from mudlevel on Vimeo.

This is brilliant.
Robo-Rainbow is one of Akay his “Instruments of Mass Destructions”, a.k.a. “complicated technical solutions to aide in simple acts of vandalism”.

found at http://www.todayandtomorrow.net/

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Scale of the Universe

Came across this a little while ago, but was reminded by Jonathan Barnbrook today via Twitter:


I suggest you don't look at it if you're having one of those "what's the point in anything that I do"...days. Probably won't help.

Friday, 14 January 2011

New Skins trailer

Loving the trailer for the new series of Skins. Maybe I'll watch this series

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Colour Club

MTV GONZO IDENTS from Colour Club on Vimeo.

Some friends of mine from Kingston who formed their own little collective of animators and illustrators.
Here is some of their recent work for MTV's Gonzo.

check out http://colour-club.blogspot.com/ for some other things.

good stuff.

Monday, 10 January 2011


For the first post of 2011 I thought something alcohol-ish related would be appropriate. I am currently not drinking for as long as I can be bothered to keep it up...most likely January 31st. This is not however a new year's resolution, because I don't make new year's resolutions, due to the pressure it creates everytime I walk past the alcohol section in a supermarket or near a pub. Pressure isn't something I want, so it is simply an act I felt like taking, and it just so happens to be January...no pressure.
As I assume at least one other person is abstaining from alcohol at the moment (that's what I tell myself anyway) I thought I'd post a link for a website that will remind you what you are missing when you stumble in drunk and turn on your computer for a late night surf (hastily made sandwich in-hand, crumbs falling down between the gaps in the key board).

http://www.alcowebizer.com/ will create an alcoholically induced view of any website you choose. Bottoms up.

Happy 2011