Design a stunning and contemporary cover look for one of the 20th Century’s most acclaimed authors, HG Wells
Creative Challenge:
Known mostly for his Science Fiction writing, HG Wells also wrote incredible social novels that are still relevant today, covering topics such as the mid-life crisis, class, feminism, materialism, consumerism and love.
I wanted to strip the books down to their bare bones and effectively re-title them. The new ‘titles’ are well known sayings that give a prospective buyer a very basic idea of what the main plot is about. As HG Wells is predominantly known for his science fiction writing, I felt that this would be an appropriate method to clearly show they were not from this genre. It also aims encourage a new reader base for Wells’ novels.
The dust jackets are double sided, the front being treated typographically in relation to what the book has been ‘re-titled’ to. The back is more illustrative, reflecting another element of the story the main character has to deal with or is involved in.
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