Saturday 25 April 2009

I Witness

Self Initiated - I Witness
April 2009

I was originally looking at 'why looking up is important', in the sense of taking in the small details of places you know very well and may have lived for a number of years, but have never noticed; sort of psycho geography, but not really.
It came to me looking a journeys, and more specifically car journeys. Coming into a town or city a different way from usual and not having a clue where you are until you're at your again kind of lead me back to noticing things you have usually ignored.
These photos show 3 elements of a journey people tend to 'ignore', and I am capturing what is ignored. By chance the 3 final images I chose all had a close link, or were infact animals.

I Witness Bats - Wildlife is something which is quite often and obviously missed whilst on a journey
I Witness Roadkill - The kneejerk "eew" reaction we have when seeing roadkill, but is never thought about again after the initial sighting
I Witness a Zebra Crossing - A Zebra crossing is ignored by a motorist

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