Wednesday 15 September 2010

The Reluctant Father

Phillip Toledano's photographic diary of the first month he was a father. Genius funny. Here's the caption that accompanies the picture above:

Some men deal with their baby rage by drinking, or playing video games.

I made plates.

I thought this was high comedy, but Carla was not so amused.

For the longest time, when people asked to see a picture of Loulou, this was what I'd show them.

I liked not showing the usual cherubic photo. An adorable shot of Loulou poking her head out of a casserole pot, or something similarly bilious.

Does every baby picture have to be sweet and beautiful?

Crying is as much a part of it, if not most of it, at the beginning.

Read the whole thing, it's very good
found at:
Phillip Toledano:

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