This is one of the stingiest pieces of "design" I have ever seen. I'm not sure how long oxo "cubes" have looked like this, but it is such a blatant attempt at cost cutting. I know we're in a bit of a financial black hole at the moment, but seriously, shaving off what cannot be anymore than half a gram of dust is just crap.
Whoever said "...I know, lets make the cube into an 'X' cos there is an X in our name and it saves us 8 quid a year!"...fucking genius. They probably had to change all there equipment in oxo land so they can make these grooves, money well spent when there isn't much about...i think not. Change for change sake. No doubt the suits think it's 'a bit of fun', not sure i've ever been that bothered about having a laugh when making gravy? maybe some people have.
If they're going to be that pedantic about things, then they should change the brand name to EX-O and find out what a 3D 'X' is actually called so you can bung that on the end of the title.
sozzer rob to be the bearer of bad news but the changed it to an x because oxo sponsored x-factor and had a hole campaign about giving your food the oxo factor. it also says clearly on the packet that they are the same weight, i guess so people don't think what you thought. i like the fact that you felt strongly about it though.
i feel that the oxo factor was a happy coincidence for them, but i will accept that they are the same weight, i did not see that on my box.
however, it does seem to make it a little more pointless if it doesn't save them any money, especially as they didn't seem to feel confident enough to carry the X identity through to the foil and the box they all come in. but thank you for writing
i just use granules
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